"We had just pulled back in and we felt like the engine was sputtering. Then the bus started rocking side-to-side so hard, that we thought that it was going to tip over. . .you couldn't get off, it was so hard that if you stood up you'd fall right over. . . but the violent part only lasted about 15 to 20 seconds. Then we got off the bus and the ground was still going back and forth - it was really weird." Molly Stroud, 32, of Farmington explains how she felt during the January 12 earthquake in Haiti.

Following the earthquake, the missionaries got off of the bus and ran to check on the constructions workers that are helping the Mission build the actual medical building. As they had come in, they had seen the construction workers on the roof of the building and on scaffolding. Remarkably, no one had fallen during the earthquake or had even been injured.

Even though Mission to Haiti has a medical team, it was not equipped to handle a catastrophe of this magnitude. It is set up as a family practice clinic, treating such things as worms, scabies, UTI's, etc. The clinic only had one cast kit aqnd four i.v. kits, and that was not enough, since many of the injuries involved broken and mangled bones. Within a short time they were out of bandages, gauze, and all of the basic medical needs that Americans take for granted. "We'd tear strips of sheets, four or five or six inches, and put them in Ziploc baggies. Then the doctors would put the limb back the way it was suppose to go, and then the construction men at 1-o'clock in the morning are cutting boards, and we'd wrap their leg in the sheet bandage and then we'd put the boards, and then we'd wrap the boards with more sheet bandage and then we'd put duct tape around it. Because that was all we had," Molly said.

Most of the missionaries did not sleep that night. Molly vowed to stay up as long as the doctors did. She felt as if she didn't have any right to sleep if the doctor's were still trying to save lives. "I decided not to go to bed until the doctors went to bed, and they never went to bed. If they were going to be up and helping, then I was going to be up and trying to help them," Molly said. Even though she is not medically trained, she was able to help. "We gave out food, we gave out water to the patients and their families, she stood by while the doctors cleaned debris from the wounds. One of her jobs was to clean the bodies of the dead, especially the children, so that their families could say good-bye.
Finally around 2:00 A.M. it was decided that they could no longer take anymore patients, because they were completely out of supplies. "It was awful, because the outer compound was completely full, which was okay, they weren't being disorderly, because we had lights and nobody else in the city had lights, because we had our own generators" Molly said. "They were scared and they would come because we had a big open space, and they didn't have to worry about a building falling on them, because there were lots of aftershocks." Patients were laying on a roofing material that the construction workers had been using, because the material was flat and smooth.

After the patients left, the missionaries began trying to find their way home. Tsunami was a real threat and there were no more medical supplies. To stay would be a drain on the resources of Haiti and they would also potentially endanger themselves. The U.S embassy suggested they go to the airport and so on January 14 they waited at the airport all day. "The embassy doesn't actually have the power to actually do anything, plus the embassy was not able to communicate because there were no phones, so it was like no one knew anything. It was very frustrating."
The only way anyone was able to communicate was through the internet, using Facebook, IM-ing and e-mail. Molly's husband previously thought Facebook silly, but now he is a fan, since without it they would have had a much more difficult time getting home. There are numerous messages on Molly's page asking if she was alright. The first time she posted was on February 12, just hours after the earthquake and she wrote "Hi everyone!! I am alive and unhurt.. PRAISE THE LORD!! Our entire team is safe and well. We are sleeping outside tonight..just in case. I appreciate all the prayers, and please keep praying that we will be able to be evacuated soon. We used up all our medical supplies, and cannot see anymore patients... even if they are dying."

When they arrived at Ft. Dix they were asked where they wanted to be transported. The Arkansas contingent chose to go to the Philadelphia airport. There, Delbert Allen, Sr., the chairman of Allen Canning Company sent his private jet to pick them up in Philadelphia, at his expense. Molly described the jet as "sweet!"
Molly has no regrets about her trip to Haiti. In fact, she is planning on returning again next year. She says "I believe I was put there in Haiti on that day, and I feel honored that God chose me for that. I think it's going to change my life forever and I'm thankful for it."

Note: Currently there a local food drive sponsored by Mission to Haiti. J.B. Hunt donated an 18-wheeler, that is being filled with dry goods to go to Haiti. Mission to Haiti is still a presence in Haiti, and is currently distributing food and water. To help with this go to any Harp's store, or http://hishope4haiti.org/. To find out more about Mission to Haiti go to: http://www.missiontohaiti.org/
Good story. I like how you started with Molly's recount of the events. It really draws the reader in. Good job.
ReplyDeleteMy goodness, that trip sounded like a nightmare. Some very nice visuals in this piece.
ReplyDeleteHere are my comments, in no particular order, for your consideration:
Overall I noticed a lot of very short sentences. In such cases as 'Both of the children were dead' and 'Five children had died during the night' they are very impactful. However, the multitude of other shot sentences draw away from this impact and make the piece choppy to read.
The word "Haiti" shows up a lot in the second graph; I know this is a piece about Haiti but I find it distracting.
Third sentence, fifth graph; it's a good story but I don't like this sentence - all of a sudden I feel like you stop telling me a story and start talking to me directly for a moment. I would just say "But, with only limited supplies, the doctors weren't able to save this little boy."
Third graph from the end: sup[plies
I know you're at the mercy of the person you talk to, but some more direct quotes from Molly would have bee nice - espically about Joshua, that story is already to very personal.
Nice work overall.
Avoid starting stories with a quote, especially one of this length. If you do use a quote, incorporate it into the rest of the story rather than tying it off with a sentence fragment for attribution. This scene would be much more powerful if you used the details she provided to create the anecdote, using choice quotes from her for effect.
ReplyDeletewe use AP style, that means last names on second reference.
second graf repeats the words 'mission' and 'haiti' many times. Seek alternates.
this story needs a nut graf that provides a reader with your angle on the piece. Now it reads only as a straight chronology/ sequence of events. You've got great material, now shape it into a feature story.
avoid slangy words like 'luckily'
Use AP style. percent is spelled out.
I cannot copy and paste into this comment section, which is one reason I asked people to use WordPress. Please try again.
The stuff about her husband now liking Facebook is out of sequence and takes out of the story. Save it for later.
This Senator Boozman stuff is unacceptable. As a reporter, your first responsibility is to get your facts right. Get his correct title and use first and last name on first reference.
The ending is promotional. That's not your job. A story of this power should have a kicker that leaves a lasting and memorable final impression with the reader.
You need second and third and even fourth sources for this story. We never write single soruce stories, and you need to do as much as possible to corroborate the information she is providing.